4 Fab Frozen Yogurt Toppings

Yesterday was National Frozen Yogurt Day, but we’re not done celebrating just yet! Let’s look at the best frozen yogurt toppings that Nuts.com has to offer.


Chopped nuts are a classic frozen yogurt topping. Check out our chopped peanuts, black walnuts, chopped almonds, chopped hazelnuts, and chopped pecans.

Mini and Chopped Candies

Is there any better combination than frozen yogurt and your favorite candy? Any of these mini or chopped candies would be great in a bowl of frozen yogurt: mini Reese’s Pieces, mini M&Ms, chopped Twix, chopped Whoppers, chopped Baby Ruths, and chopped Kit Kats.

Baking Chips

It’s hard to top regular chocolate chips in your frozen yogurt, but we’re willing to try. Try these other tasty chips to add some different flavors to your frozen yogurt: peanut butter chips, caramel bits, cinnamon chips, carob chips, raspberry chocolate chips, mint chips, butterscotch chips, and more.

Mochi Rice Cakes

Mochi rice cakes are a light, sweet Japanese dessert treat with a soft, silky, and chewy texture. They go great with frozen yogurt, and we have a ton of flavors– mochi rice cakes and many more!

We also have a large assortment of sprinkles to choose from if you want to add some color to your frozen yogurt.

What’s your favorite frozen yogurt topping?


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