Google Checkout

We’ve just launched support for a new service from our friends at Google. Whether you use our normal checkout process or Google Checkout, we always ship quickly and guarantee 100% satisfaction.

If you want some bullet points, here’s the official sales pitch:

  • With Google Checkout you can can quickly and easily buy from NutsOnline and many other stores across the web.
  • If you’ve used Google Checkout before, all you need to do is provide your Checkout username and password to buy from us.
  • If you’re using Google Checkout for the first time, you only have to fill out a single page of information, once to make your first purchase. After that, you just need to enter your Google Checkout login to make a purchase. There’s no need to re-enter your purchase information or create multiple usersnames and passwords each time you buy.
  • When you buy with Google Checkout, you can track all your orders in one place and shop with confidence knowing that Google protects you from unauthorized purchases.

It’s not as flexible as our normal checkout process (you can’t pick your ship date and you can’t ship to multiple addresses at once) but it’s pretty fast and easy for what it does.

We’ve told you what it is, now it’s up to you to decide whether you want to use it…

Are you still reading this?? Go buy something already! 🙂