Make a Menu of Lucky Foods for New Year’s Day

January 1 is an opportunity to start fresh in a brand new year. What better way to welcome in 2013 than by preparing a feast of foods that symbolize good fortune or prosperity in the new year? Traditions vary within different cultures, but here are a few of our favorites.


Legumes, including beans, lentils and peas, are lucky foods that represent money and prosperity (watch how they grow when cooked).

Green Lentils

In Italy, it is traditional to prepare cotechino con lenticchie (pork sausages and green lentils) on New Year’s Day for abundance and wealth. Use our organic green lentils, which are rich in protein, fiber, folate and iron.

Blackeyed Peas

In the Southern United States, people eat blackeyed peas just after midnight or on New Year’s Day to represent luck and prosperity (some even eat one pea for each of the 365 days in the upcoming year!). This tradition dates back to at least the Civil War in the US, but it may have Jewish or African roots. Cook up a pot of hoppin’ john or blackeyed peas and collard greens (greens also symbolize money).

Long Noodles

In Asian cultures, eating long noodles at the start of the new year is thought to bring health and longevity. Make a bowl of sweet and spicy stir-fry noodles, but be careful not to break the noodles once they’re in your mouth (this is bad luck).

pomegranates Dried Pomegranates

In Turkey and other Mediterranean countries, pomegranates symbolize good luck for the new year. Our dried pomegranates are sweet, tart and full of vitamins.

What do you traditionally eat on New Year’s Day?

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