Our Nutty Health Tips
Hi there, nutty fans! Don’t know about you, but we’ve made some resolutions to eat better and exercise more in the new year. Here are some nutty tips that we’ve received in our journey toward a new, healthier us!
1) Choose Good-For-You Treats: Nuts might have a higher calorie and fat content than you’re used to associating with diet foods, but they provide quality nutrition that can’t be beat! They are generally a great source of protein, fiber, monounsaturated fat and antioxidants, and they keep you feeling fuller longer. A recent study found that walnuts contain more healthful antioxidants, called polyphenols, and a higher antioxidant potency than other nuts analyzed in the study. Almonds are the leading source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat among America’s most consumed nuts. That’s some serious nutrition!
2) Pack Your Snacks: Now that you know what kind of foods you want to eat to power up your body, you need to make sure you have them on hand! Pack individually bagged portions of nuts, dried fruit, trail mix and other healthy snacks in your purse, briefcase or car glove compartment so that you’ll never be at the mercy of vending machines or convenience stores. This tip works great for those of us who are constantly on the go!
3) Eat Breakfast: You mom always told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and she was right! Breakfast gives our
bodies fuel for the day. Breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated. Whip up a bowl of oats, grab some energy squares or munch on some Power Mix. Your body will thank you!
4) Snag Some Whole Grains: The fiber in whole-grain foods can help prevent heart disease, and they offer a fantastic level of nutrition. Check out our selection of grains for some fantastic (and tasty) choices, including wheat, buckwheat, barley and oats.
What are some of your favorite health tips for the new year?
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