Fun for Our Feathered Friends

Here at NutsOnline, we value all of our customers, and we do mean ALL of them! Though our human enthusiasts are so kind to us, today we’d like to take a moment to thank some of our feathered fans.

We are bird lovers, and it shows! Our product line includes quite a few items that are appropriate for pet birds, including whole nuts, seeds and dried fruit. We know that birds can’t eat many of the treats that we humans prefer, so we make sure to offer ample selections that they can nosh! That way, you can offer your pet birds samples of the same natural diet they would have in the wild.

We’ve found that different types of birds prefer different products. Macaws, for example, enjoy banana chips, Brazil nuts and English walnuts in the shell. Parrots go nuts for in-shell almonds, dried papaya and raw hazelnut kernels. Canaries swing toward sweets like golden raisins and dried pineapple.

We even offer several products specifically with birds in mind. Our in-shell macadamia nuts are far too tough for humans to crack, but tropical birds such as macaws can’t get enough of them. Sunflower seeds and raw in-shell pine nuts are all fantastic items for both wild and domesticated birds.

You can use our delicious treats to supplement your bird’s normal diet or as special surprises. You can even play foraging games with some of the items, which stimulate your pet’s natural instincts and burn off energy. Place several in-shell nuts or other treats inside of a small cardboard box and let your feathered friend shred the container to get to the snack. Many of our products will also fit neatly inside foraging toys you can purchase at most pet stores.

Does your bird have a favorite NutsOnline treat? Do you play any games involving goodies with your buddy? Let us know!

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