Dig Into Dried Fruit
When we get a craving for something sweet, we reach for a handful of dried fruit. Though fresh fruit has its unique benefits, dried fruit is also a great way to get nutrients, fiber and vitamins.
Most dried fruits are significant sources of fiber, which promotes colon health, lowers cholesterol and controls diabetes. Dried apples, for example, contain five grams of fiber per serving and dried apricots offer up four grams per serving. Most berries are also fairly high in fiber. Our berry mix, which includes sweet strawberries, blackberries, cranberries and cherries, packs in three grams of fiber per serving.
Dried fruits also offer the same basic nutrient boost as their fresh counterparts. Dried strawberries are a super source of vitamin C, potassium and folate. Whole dried cranberries have powerful proanthocyanidins that promote urinary tract health and help prevent stomach ulcers and gum disease. Dark raisins are 70 percent pure fructose, which makes them an excellent and easily digested high-energy food. They’re a particularly fantastic snack to munch on before playing sports or going for a run.
Dried fruit also gives you a chance get a taste of exotic fruits, as well as fruits that aren’t in season. Goji berries, which are grown in
the Himalayan Mountains, spoil quite quickly and are rarely sold fresh in the United States. The dried version of the superfood allows you to access the berry’s unique immune-boosting antioxidants. Moist Turkish figs and plump Medjool dates are special treats that you don’t see every day, and our brand-new dried pomegranates are loaded with vitamins.
Though dried fruit is more calorically dense than fresh fruit (largely because of its sugar content), it also keeps you feeling fuller longer. The low water content in dried fruit makes it a convenient healthy snack for on-the-go kids and adults. Best of all, the sweet taste of most dried fruits can satisfy your craving for sugary treats, and the fruit is far better for you than cake, cookies or candy.
If you are on a special diet, it’s best to consult your doctor before including dried fruit in your regular menu of snacks. The sugar content can relegate dried fruit to an occasional treat for some, particularly those who are following a low-carb plan.
Learn more about our full selection of dried fruit here.