Our Head Nut Received An Award!

EY announces Nuts.com’s CEO Jeffrey Braverman is an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2014 Award winner in New Jersey
Award recognizes entrepreneurial excellence in Family Business category
NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY, June 26, 2014 – EY today announced that CEO Jeffrey Braverman of Nuts.com received the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2014 Award in the Family Business category in New Jersey. The award recognizes outstanding entrepreneurs who demonstrate excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial performance, and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Jeffrey Braverman was selected by an independent panel of judges, and the award was presented at a special gala event at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick on Thursday, June 26.
Now in its 28th year, the program has honored the inspirational leadership of such entrepreneurs as Howard Schultz of Starbucks Coffee Company, Pierre Omidyar of eBay, Inc., and Mindy Grossman of HSN. Recent US national winners include Reid Hoffman and Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn; Hamdi Ulukaya, founder of Chobani; and 2013 winner Hamid Moghadam, CEO and Chairman of Prologis.
As a New Jersey award winner, Jeffrey is now eligible for consideration for the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2014 national program. Award winners in several national categories, as well as the Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall Award winner, will be announced at the annual awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 15, 2014. The awards are the culminating event of the EY Strategic Growth Forum®, the nation’s most prestigious gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies.
Founded and produced by EY, the Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards are sponsored in the United States by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and SAP America. In New Jersey, sponsors include DLA Piper, Merrill Corporation, Morgan Lewis, PNC Bank, Willis of New Jersey, Empire Valuation Consultants, Scherzer International, SolomonEdwardsGroup, Cresa, Murray Devine, NJBIZ and NJTC.
About Nuts.com
Nuts.com is a leading national online retailer of fresh nuts, dried fruit, cooking and baking supplies, healthy snacks, candy and more. With more than 3,000 products, including Certified Gluten-Free, Certified Organic and Certified Kosher, available for fast shipping anywhere in the U.S., Nuts.com is a third-generation family business based in Newark, N.J. To learn more, visit www.Nuts.com, follow us on Twitter @Nuts, on Facebook or on Google+.
About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world’s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 cities in more than 60 countries.
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One Response to “Our Head Nut Received An Award!”
Congratulations Jeffrey! You fully deserve this accolade – All of your happy customers applaud you!