Peanut Butter Lovers, Rejoice!

There’s just nothing like the sweet, salty taste of peanut butter. We’ll take any chance we get to celebrate one of our favorite treats, so you’d better believe that we jumped for joy when we found out that today is National Peanut Butter Lovers Day!

We offer a variety of peanut-buttery treats that are just so rich and scrumptious. For us, the ultimate peanut butter treat is peanut butter cups. Our milk chocolate peanut butter cups and dark chocolate peanut butter cups are packed with premium ingredients. They’re truly special!

Other sweets that we fancy include our chocolate peanut butter fudge, our chocolate covered peanut butter cookie dough and our peanut butter malted milk balls. We also enjoy the salty-sweet flavor of our chocolate peanut butter pretzel bites and peanut butter covered pretzels.

If peanut butter in its purest form is your idea of heaven, then you must be sure to check out our huge selection of delicious and unique nut butters. Our organic crunchy peanut butter and organic smooth peanut butter really take the cake. For those of you with a sweet tooth, our caramel peanut butter and organic dark chocolate peanut butter give you a way to work dessert into your sandwich or fruit dip.

Are you nuts for peanut butter? Tell us some of your favorites!

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